Link: Memory Machines: Learning, Knowing, and Technological Change

Heresy? Perhaps. But worth a read, nonetheless. Should we be really concerned? And if yes, for what reasons?

New information technologies, so we’re told, must therefore change how we learn — change what we need to know, how we know, how we create knowledge. Because of the pace of change and the scale of change and the locus of change — again, so we’re told — our institutions, our public institutions can no longer keep up. These institutions will soon be outmoded, irrelevant. So we’re told

Powerful narratives, like I said. But not necessarily true. And even if partially true, we are not required to respond the way those in power or in the technology industry would like.

Source: Memory Machines: Learning, Knowing, and Technological Change — Medium

Link: Memory Machines: Learning, Knowing, and Technological Change